We are applying in mid-2025 to The National Lottery Heritage Fund for a Delivery Phase grant to make the project happen. While we may be able to apply for £8 million, the project cost, still subject to detailed design work, is likely to be £14 million. We have some early confirmed pledges in place, but still have a target of over £4 million to raise, much of which will come from Trusts and Foundations.
If successful, work will start on the Assize Court building in 2026, with a target opening date of 2030.
We will be running a major public fundraising campaign once we know that we have secured funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund and that the work can finally start! But we need your help now to enable us to make a successful application, to ensure the continuing success of Wiltshire Museum and the care of our important collections. There are many ways you can support us and make the new museum a success.
Join the Museum and know that you are making an invaluable contribution to the project. Includes free entry to Stonehenge and our Wessex Partner Museums. Sign up here:
Already a member? Please consider upgrading your membership to Amber, Gold or Jadeite, which includes an extra donation.
Email us on hello@wiltshiremuseum.org.uk to find out more.
Join the supporters of the Devizes Assize Court Trust to help keep the building safe before we can start restoration work. Become a member of our ‘22’ group, donating £2,000 every year for five years. To find out more, email info@devizesassizecourt.org.uk.
A gift in your legacy ensures that the Museum you love will have a vibrant future and generations to come will continue to enjoy and be inspired by its work and fabulous treasures.
A legacy gift is the final chapter in a person’s life story – a reflection of their values, interests and experiences – and can support the Museum into its future.
Visit Legacies for more information and contact David Dawson, our Director, on 01380 727369 or david.dawson@wiltshiremuseum.org.uk.
Are you able to help us with support that could be transformational in achieving our project aims? Contact David Dawson, our Director, on 01380 727369 or david.dawson@wiltshiremuseum.org.uk.
Copyright © 2023 Devizes Assize Court Trust and Wiltshire Museum (WANHS)
Supported with grant funding by the Architectural Heritage Fund, Historic England, and Pilgrim Trust
Charity Number : DACT: 1177016 ; WANHS: 1080096